In this article you will learn what an affirmation prayer is, and how to effectively engage in this powerful form of prayer.

What are affirmation prayers?
An affirmation prayer is a conviction that a positive outcome you would like in your life will happen. Instead of asking for a positive outcome, the affirmation prayer asserts your conviction that you will obtain what you want.
To engage effectively in this powerful form of prayer, there is a necessary mindset. You can also strengthen these prayers through a regular meditation practice.
We read in the Book of Joshua, “Thou shalt meditate day and night, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success.” From the Book of Matthew: “Whatsoever things that ye desire, when you pray, believe that ye shall receive them and ye shall have them.”
How to practice affirmative prayer
Gururaj Ananda Yogi discusses how to engage in affirmative prayer: “ Affirmations are very good if you have understanding and a firm conviction of what you are affirming. That is important. You can say to yourself, “I’m going to get a million dollars in twelve months’ time.” And keep on saying that. That million dollars won’t come. It’s not going to fall out of the sky.
But before you demand that of life–and life is of abundance as we know–before you demand that of life, you’ve got to work out a plan whereby that would become possible. So, when you have the proper plan and not just words affirming something, then that planning will give you conviction. And with that conviction, if you keep on affirming to yourself, then it could come to fruition. So what you affirm becomes confirmed.”

Affirmation Prayers and Meditation
“ So it is just idle repeating a phrase to yourself if there is no conviction, and conviction is gained by understanding the problem, from a wider perspective. If the affirmation is combined with meditation, then naturally in the quietude that is produced in your mind through meditation, this will help the affirmation to have a firmer grip in your mind.” (Sign up for a course in beginners meditation here.)
Prayer is not a business transaction
“ Prayer should not be bargaining. For example, “If my son passes his exam, I will donate a hundred dollars to the American Meditation Society.” Now that’s no good. That word, “If” should not be there. Then you are doing business with Divinity. “Lord, if You do this, then I will do that.” That’s business. In prayer, there is no business involved. You do what you have to do, and you have that conviction which is confirmed in your heart and then you pray.”
Read more about speaking with God. Watch Gururaj discussing Fear and Spiritual Strength.