Friendly Circles Attendees Report

A Friendly Circle has about a dozen people, who could be anyplace in the world. We meet via the internet, usually for one hour weekly, for warm, supportive conversations and provocative, uplifting discussions. It’s a place both to meet new friends and unfold our whole, true selves.

Friendly Circles is one of our signature programs, and we have recently interviewed some of the attendants to our ongoing circles. The comments of the attendees confirm its effectiveness and capability of establishing deep connections with yourself and with others.

These are the comments we have received:

  • I now feel more supported, not so alone
  • Good to get to know how others think about personal issues.
  • I feel connected with others on a much deeper level.
  • I’m more openminded.
  • I feel that I am heard by others, known for who I really am.
  • I like the way each person has time to talk.
  • The questions stimulate new thinking, about things I usually don’t think about.
  • I look forward to each meeting, they energize me.
  • It gives me an occasion to look back on my week and review what I have been doing.
  • Unusually, I feel togetherness without suffocation.
  • Whenever someone reveals something deeply personal about themselves I feel as I am receiving something precious.
  • I love the fact that we all have a turn, so I don’t have to worry about missing a chance to speak.
  • I found we are all about the same, sharing common ground, which grows a kind of intimacy.
  • I don’t have to worry about impressing others.
  • I like thinking about life and hearing what others say about the same issues.
  • It’s a break from my usual isolation.
  • In the beginning I resisted needing to wait for my turn to speak, but now it feels natural and healthy.
  • The structure, maybe because it feels so safe, supports spontaneity, speaking from the heart.
  • I feel I made good new friends.
  • I like having no cross talk, plenty of time to think without interruption.
  • I learned our opinions really don’t matter that much.  We’re all together on a much more basic level.
  • It’s hard to find people to share thoughts about such important topics.
  • The meetings fill my spirituality needs.
  • I like how our meetings end with an invitation to bring up anything we’d like to bring up.
  • I learned I am not as weird as I thought I was.
  • I like the fact that we are voluntarily together.
  • The meetings help me be quiet and listen closely to others.  Always so interesting.
  • Meetings give me an excuse to do what I like rather than always needing to be productive.
  • The questions trigger new thinking.
  • Meetings help me put words on things that were more vague to me before.
  • I don’t feel judged.
  • I’m developing an ability to look at myself and my life dispassionately, as if I am outside myself.
  • Meetings give me much good material to journal about.
  • I feel more integrated within myself.
  • It feels good to me when someone discovers a new insight for themselves.
  • I feel clearer about my life ahead.
  • I like that we meet every week.  If I miss a meeting I won’t need to wait long for the next one.
  • Meetings lift me out of my usual circle of my negative thinking.
  • I love hearing the different perspectives people have on life.
  • Each week I feel cared for.
  • I love everyone in my group.
  • It’s great being able to join in on the road when I’m traveling.
  • It’s a whole new way of interacting with others.  Fascinating to me.

Join one of our open friendly circles

Friendly Circles is a surprisingly effective method to come into terms with your true inner self. Join any of our groups, or have a tour around them and choose the one you feel more comfortable with.

Try it by joining any of the Open Friendly Circles

Picture of Merrill Harmin

Merrill Harmin

Merrill Harmin Ph.D. has been the author of several books and is a former Director and founder of the Strategic Learning Institute. He has been Professor of Education at Rutgers University

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The International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment is a 501 (c) 3 public charity registered in New York with EIN 84-2007892. Our mission is to open the hearts of people, one by one, to the natural goodness that resides within through Meditation Techniques, Spiritual Practices, and Practical Wisdom, and providing a social network of teachers and students that tread this planet of ours.

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 International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment Inc is a 501(C)(3) with EIN: 84-2007892