Loving Kindness

This section includes a set of everyday tools proven to make current lives sweeter and progress toward better days faster.

Day to day, minute to minute, examine yourself. How many pictures do you not create in twenty-four hours of the day? You’re conjurers conjuring up various pictures on the screen of the mind. And then those pictures reflect themselves in the various actions you perform. No wonder you’re so damn miserable. Yes.
So, if you stop conjuring up these pictures, misery would not be there. No vacancy. That would be the board plucked up on the door when you apply for that job of misery. So, become vacant. What do we mean by that? To become vacant is to be able to neutralize oneself, and this can only be done by the glance, by the touch, by the words of the true spiritual master. He only needs to look at you, hm, and all those ills are cured if you are receptive enough. Because his eyes are filled with compassion. There is no passion in him, but only compassion. So it requires a fertile ground for the seed to grow. And yet the seed when planted in the ground first has to explode in order for the plant to grow. So the explosion lies there if the ground is fertile because the seed will forever explode to express itself in compassion. For is a seed not compassionate to produce these beautiful flowers or the plants?

Now, revolution starts in that explosiveness. Destroy the little “I” in that vast explosion and allow the plant of life to grow; and not only grow but also to glow. Ha! Then you’re living life; otherwise you’re wasting your good time. When I say you’re wasting your good time, know one thing for sure, that the outer self thinks of time when you in reality is timeless. And you mature. A little acorn grows into a big oak tree, huh? Turn that oak tree upside down, and then you will have the roots in heaven and the acorns down below. Ah! So simple. I’ll take you there whenever you want and turn the whole acorn tree upside down. For your roots are in heaven, the kingdom within. There are the roots and this outer little self is but just a manifestation, empowered, energized by the roots. And those roots go so deep that it captures the entire universe.
So, why think only of the acorns and the oak tree? Why not think of the energizing factor that keeps the oak tree alive. For without those roots that oak tree will never come into being. And that is where you have to reach. To reach within oneself through your spiritual practices and through the spiritual force of the true spiritual master that could extend his hand and rid you of all your problems if you are prepared.
So, that is the meaning of compassion. Compassion is a giving, not a taking. You are compassionate by your own natural self very much dependent upon your state of evolution. The more the heart is opened through spiritual practices, the more compassionate would you become. It is not something to try. No. It does not work that way. It is what you are. There lies the secret of being compassionate. Why strive to become compassionate? Try. Remember that word: why try. You know why you try to become compassionate? Because you feel a total dissatisfaction within yourself, so therefore to remove the dissatisfaction and misery, you try. Compassionateness needs no trying at all. It must become second nature to yourself. You are compassionate or you are not. Now, when you are not compassionate, remember you have knotted yourself up. K-n-o-t-t-e-d. Knotted up. In other words you’re entangled with fears and sorrows and worldly woes. And then you tell me you’re compassionate? Huh? That could never be.
You start with disentangling yourself and compassion will just dawn. It does not come from trying. It does not come from mental effort, but it is just what you are at that moment. There’s no time. There’s no space. You cannot measure compassion in time and neither in space.

Picture of Ramón Leonato Dominguez

Ramón Leonato Dominguez

I was born in Madrid in 1960, when I was a young boy I was solely interested in understanding the secret of life. I grew up studying biology, chemistry, physics and by 15 years old I was already in college. I published my first research work in Insect Biochemistry, Pergamon Press Vol. 10 pp 529 to 533 on molecular genetics at the age of 19 years old. In seeking for answers to the secret of life I started with biology and molecular genetics and from there I went to theoretical physics, finally I landed in the area of mysticism, or self awareness under the guidance of Gururaj Ananda Yogi, a disciple of Swami Pravitananda with whom I studied until his passing away in 1988.

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The International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment is a 501 (c) 3 public charity registered in New York with EIN 84-2007892. Our mission is to open the hearts of people, one by one, to the natural goodness that resides within through Meditation Techniques, Spiritual Practices, and Practical Wisdom, and providing a social network of teachers and students that tread this planet of ours.

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 International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment Inc is a 501(C)(3) with EIN: 84-2007892