Specialization Courses - MTSP 2

The higher Self within us is non-dependent.

Most trouble is over petty things. Observe them. Do not get stuck in them.

Meditation course

Path of Unfoldment

The MTSP 2 modules are dedicated to specialization in certain areas where the interventions we undertake require additional expertise. The specialties we cover with the MTSP 2 modules are: 

  • MTSP 2.1 Education and Educational Facilities.
  • MTSP 2.2 Patients with Chronic Diseases
  • MTSP 2.3 Victims of Gender Violence
  • MTSP 2.4 Prisons and Departments of Corrections
  • MTSP 2.5 Anxiety, Depression and Mental Illnesses

Each year specialization courses are convened by our mentors and Senior Lecturers covering one of each of our specialty areas. These courses each have their own content which may vary from year to year depending on the specialist who convenes the course.

our work inspires smiles

Our courses

Requirements: To register to this module you must complete first modules PoU 1, PoU 2, and MTSP 1.

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Specialization Courses - MTSP 2

The MTSP 2 modules are dedicated to specialization in certain areas where the interventions we undertake require additional expertise.

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Here are some of our currently active courses of meditation and mindfulness

If you wish to subscribe, we will send you an email when the course is active again. All you have to do is select the course you want information about and we will contact you as soon as possible. 

Live guided Meditation

Online live guided group meditations available every day of the week at various times.

Friendly Circles

In a small group, we exchange thoughts on a variety of interesting questions about daily life

Beginners Meditation

Learn specific meditation practices including body scanning, prep mantra, and tratak.

Ashram for Unfoldment Live

Watch live activities from the Ashram for Unfoldment in New York.

Change Your Life by Learning Meditation

Learn about upcoming opportunities to strengthen your meditation practices.

Path Of Unfoldment PoU-1

8 sessions course with zoom meetings every on Saturdays at 3 pm. This Course Starts in January