Changing the World
We’re a diverse, creative, idealistic team, with many talents and a practical bent, ready to cooperate with anyone seeking to make life better for themselves and, especially, all others.
What is the International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment?
The International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (IFSU) is a consortium of independent societies worldwide that are dedicated to teaching meditation according to the method designed by the spiritual teacher Gururaj Ananda Yogi

This method is called the path of unfoldment, as we unfold the spirit rather than develop it. The spirit resides within us, unknown and unrecognised, and meditation helps us to realise it. We do not create a spiritual force in ourselves as it is already there. It just needs activation and we begin to catch glimpses of what enlightenment is.
Our societies teach a non-denominational, non-sectarian meditation method which is individually designed for each person according to their specific needs.
Meditation, mindfulness, and yoga are spiritual practices that we teach, and they are not in contradiction with any spiritual and wisdom traditions and can be followed by anyone.
The purpose of our organization is to open the heart of humanity; to open up the love that is within us, and spread and share it with our fellow human beings. That is our purpose; therefore, we encourage people to meditate and do their spiritual practices.
At our foundation we believe that improving ourselves is the best we can do to improve the world we live in. For this reason, we aim to create a happier society, working from within each person through meditation.

Started in 1976 by Gururaj Ananda Yogi, The International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment has as its core mission to open through meditation, spiritual practices, and practical wisdom, the latent goodness that is in humanity, to open the heart of humanity to the love that is within us, and spread and share it with our fellow human beings.
The essence within our services is universal, without regard to culture, doctrine or dogma.
They are not intended to be the expression of any single point of view, but fuel that will add to your own fire of further inquiry
and knowledge. Test it in the laboratory of your own life. If it benefits you, hold tightly to it; if not, discard it.
In our world today, technology has reached, and will continue to reach higher and higher levels, and the mind and thoughts are dominant in today’s human experience. Today the world is very intellectually and mentally orientated. The concentration is mostly on the mind and on technological devices. The power technology is putting in the hands of the human civilization today can be dangerous if it is not combined with the quality of the heart. By allowing the heart quality to permeate the mind so that the heart becomes the governing factor, not allowing the mind to pursue the destructive tendencies it has.
Through Meditation Techniques, Spiritual Practices, and teaching the science of Self Knowledge that improves our communication and social abilities, we unveil the essence of all Spiritual Traditions. Our Organization improves society by improving the lives of the individual and introducing the wisdom that comes from the Self-Experience in the education system.
Service is an art, and art is freedom. We serve you in the spirit of an offering freely given by our teachers and facilitators for your benefit.

The Emblem
The International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (IFSU) emblem consists of nine small circles, each of which contains within it the symbols corresponding to each of the great spiritual and wisdom traditions of humanity, namely: Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism and a spiral that represents philosophy, science and all searches for truth that mankind has undertaken.
These circles are located on 5 concentric circles that represent a circular musical staff. Inside the pentagram is the flame of an oil lamp that symbolizes the light of truth. The emblem in its entirety means that each of these wisdom traditions of humanity are but notes of the same song that brings man to the light of the truth that resides within him.
Meditation, mindfulness, and yoga are spiritual practices that we teach, and they are not in contradiction with any of these spiritual and wisdom traditions and can be followed by anyone.
Our motto is that if you are a Christian you will become a better Christian, if you are a Buddhist you will become a better Buddhist and if you are an atheist, you will become a better person, in other words: by improving yourself, you will improve your environment and therefore the society in which you live.
IFSU is made up of meditation teachers who teach under their emblem. At our foundation we believe that improving ourselves is the best we can do to improve the world we live in. For this reason, we aim to create a happier society, working from within each person through meditation.
Financial Information
You can get our financial information and tax returns as well as our programs and details on how we use our resources and the donations received in our profile in
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621498 All Other Outpatient Care Centers
8093 Specialty Outpatient Clinics, NEC
Other Mental Health, Crisis Intervention N.E.C. (F99)