Acceptance and Surrender

Acceptance and surrender to one self are the two most important attitudes towards living a Positive life. Developing new perspectives of your circumstances is part of the process of acceptance and surrender to your circumstances
View of the Alhambra

You start the process with acceptance and surrender of oneself. 

The easiest way to live and think in a positive way, is through two things that people don’t seem to want to do: number one, acceptance; number two, surrender to yourself. There you have it in two words: acceptance and surrender. These two words contain every single element of practical life that you can ever think of. One accepts oneself as one is. “My heart is oppressed.” If it is oppressed, if it is contracted and the desire in me is to expand it, what do I do?

New Perspectives

I try to develop a proper perspective on life within the framework of admitting what is in the moment. “I feel with my mind that my heart is constricted.” “I understand that the heart has a Free and Universal quality and I am constricting it with my thought processes” – Acceptance. Any thought that narrows that force that resides in you is necessarily limiting, and anything that limits is negative. Positivity has an expansive quality; negativity has the quality of contraction.

Our organizations offers programs that will lead you to a positive life. Have a look at our Beginners Course

And so, on the path of love, which is the spiritual path, we meet that which we call God.

Pedro Miguel Lamet

In acceptance you first surrender yourself, assuming your blockages and weaknesses. When you do this, and if you are honest with yourself, immediately the inner strength takes possession, confronting us and hitting us squarely on the head. It is there, it is tangible. Then we surrender to that force. And this is the realization of “Thy Will Be Done.” That’s what “Thy Will Be Done” means. 

Self Examination

Self-examination is not enough: one has to do something about the solutions we find. And if our minds are not capable of finding solutions, you have the Scriptures, you have wise people, great people always ready to assist you.

When we surrender to ourselves, into our present conditions, then an inner energy arises and you feel the effect of that power in it, and you recognize a higher force. Something that is above you. 

Picture of Ramón Leonato Dominguez

Ramón Leonato Dominguez

I was born in Madrid in 1960, when I was a young boy I was solely interested in understanding the secret of life. I grew up studying biology, chemistry, physics and by 15 years old I was already in college. I published my first research work in Insect Biochemistry, Pergamon Press Vol. 10 pp 529 to 533 on molecular genetics at the age of 19 years old. In seeking for answers to the secret of life I started with biology and molecular genetics and from there I went to theoretical physics, finally I landed in the area of mysticism, or self awareness under the guidance of Gururaj Ananda Yogi, a disciple of Swami Pravitananda with whom I studied until his passing away in 1988.

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The International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment is a 501 (c) 3 public charity registered in New York with EIN 84-2007892. Our mission is to open the hearts of people, one by one, to the natural goodness that resides within through Meditation Techniques, Spiritual Practices, and Practical Wisdom, and providing a social network of teachers and students that tread this planet of ours.

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 International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment Inc is a 501(C)(3) with EIN: 84-2007892