Beginners Meditation PoU-1 Raman

This Course Starts 8th of January 2022

Path Of Unfoldment PoU-1

8 session course with zoom meetings every Saturdays at 3 pm EST

Learn to Meditate

The Path of Unfoldment, taught since 1976 to thousands of people worldwide, is a scientifically designed meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual practices method designed to expand your awareness and open your heart. It transforms your life into well-being day by day through easy and effortless techniques that give you the energy required for every day’s effort.

In this beginners meditation course you will learn the basics of Mindfulness and Meditation beyond cultures, traditions and schools. You will be able to integrate these practices easily into your life and adapt them to your routine or lifestyle, as the method is designed for ordinary working people with responsibilities.

Sign up for this course and learn a tool that will serve you the rest of your life to live a better life, with more peace within you and with those around you.

Beginners Meditation PoU-1

Raman Leonato

This Course Starts 8th of January 2022

You will be able to follow the course at your own pace, without any effort. The contents of the course are very practical. They combine explanations and reflections on the processes of the mind and body, with practical exercises on the mechanisms of thought, attention, relaxation, meditation and yoga-like conscious movements.

Single Payment

Beginners Meditation PoU-1
$ 250 one pay
  • 8 session course
  • Online meetings via Zoom
  • Acces to virtual campus

Fractioned Paymnet

Beginners Meditation PoU-1
$ 99 3 payments monthly
  • 8 session course
  • Online meetings via Zoom
  • Acces Virtual Campus

Contents of the beginners meditation course

We learn the fundamentals of the Path of Unfoldment (PoU) Framework. The experience of life as the experience of a day. We learn to observe thoughts, actions, and emotions and feelings, and the different kinds of meditation and mindfulness techniques we can apply. We teach a scientific and practical framework about the mind, the body and the process of evolution.

Meditation Benefits

Psychological aspect:

In this area studies have proven the effectiveness of meditation in:

Physical aspects:

Different studies have proven not only differences in brain functioning but also beneficial effects on: