Understanding Acceptance

In this course during 3 weeks with meetings by zoom every 15 days we are going to deepen in our experience about acceptance. We will use a set-up like sharing circles in a way that we will be able to speak and share about our experience on acceptance
Raman Leonato · April 6, 2022

But how about surrendering to activity and there would come your reconciliation.  For after all, what is activity?  Activity is striving for something which you, in your mind, project to be success.  And what is success after all?  Is it the acquisition of material possessions?  Would you call that success?  No, it could be a great loss, a total loss.  I’ve known many, many millionaires throughout the world, and I travel about three quarters of the year around the world lecturing.  Hm?  And I’ve still got to meet a millionaire who apparently looks successful with ten Rolls Royces, or seventyone of them.  I don’t know how many. Or big mansions.  Are they successful?  They are not successful. Apparently, to the outsider seeing their immense wealth, would think they are successful, but they are not.

Real success is the peace one finds within, the Kingdom of God within. Seek ye first that, and all else shall be added unto thee.  You know that scriptural saying very well.  So true success in life is to find that beautiful peace that is within you, inherent in you, and which is your birthright.  And to reach your birthright, to reach which is inherent within you, that constitutes success.

Now there are many paths to this.  And one of them is total acceptance of life as it is.  Because every millionaire that owns say ten million wants to have twenty million.  If you have ten Rolls Royces, you want twenty Rolls Royces.  So therefore, you are striving all the time, and that very striving is creating turmoil within your mind, conflicts within your mind.  And then you start scheming about things, about how to acquire these things that is born of your desire.

Now I do not say be desireless.  But there is a difference here.  To have desire and to crave are two different things altogether.  Hm?  You can desire something, fine, within your limitations.  People try to demand things of life.  Hm?  They demand from their mothers, fathers, wives, brothers.  They demand from the guru.  And when they don’t succeed in that, they demand from God, huh.  But you do not get what you demand, you will only get what you need. That is what you will get: what you need, not what you demand.  Because demanding is a mental projection. You demand this, and you demand that, and you demand that, and most of the time if you examine your minds, you will start demanding the impossible.  But the whole theory is that in the word impossible  put an apostrophe and say, “I’m possible.”  Then striving  disappears.  You do not need to strive for things, just act for  the sake of action and all things that are needed will come to  you.

About Instructor

Raman Leonato

In my seeking an understanding of life, I started with biology and molecular genetics. From there, I went to theoretical physics. Finally, I landed in the area of spirituality or self-awareness under the guidance of Gururaj Ananda Yogi, a disciple of Swami Pravitananda, from the Swami Vivekananda lineage, with whom I studied until his passing in 1988. The approach of Gururaj was non-denominational, non-sectarian, and scientific. It is the approach I maintain today.

4 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • Course Certificate


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