Friendly Circles
In a small group, we exchange thoughts on a variety of interesting questions about daily life. It produces heart-warming exchanges that help us to clarify how we want to live our lives, help us feel good about ourselves and one another, and help us counteract the negativity now pervading today’s world.
Friendly Circle Groups
Would you like to be part of a community where we talk about our concerns and life experiences to improve ourselves? To explore possibilities of forming your own Friendly Circles, contact We´d be happy to help you. Consider visiting a Friendly Circle. You can then get a sense of it for yourself. You will be welcomed. No charge and no obligation to attend every meeting or to speak at a meeting. A group facilitator will keep the conversations kindly and thoughtful, open and easy.
Friendly Circles
Group 1.04
Saturday at 12:00pm, for all ages.
Becoming a better person
You are welcome to visit a Friendly Circle. You can then see if you liked the experience. If you do, simply keep attending. You can drop out anytime. There are no obligations and no fees.
We meet via the internet, usually for one hour weekly, for warm, supportive conversations and provocative, uplifting discussions. It’s a place both to meet new friends and unfold our whole, true selves.
Few of us realize how magnificent we really are. Fact is, we’re each stronger, freer and better than we now know. Circles make that clear.

Want your own group?
Friendly Circles originated to help strangers connect productively with others and with themselves, more particularly, with their whole, true selves.
Can I attend more than one FC a week?
Sure. Some people feel especially needful of companionship and want to attend a different FC every day. Most however join one or, occasionally, two a week. You may, however, register for only one group at a time and must wait at least a month before requesting a new group.
Can I miss a meeting?
Yes. (What would you expect from people who want to be caring and accepting?)
Will I be dropped from a FC if I miss lots of meetings?
Perhaps. But that’s up to the facilitator of your group. You can always ask your facilitator to hold a spot open for you.
Can I just visit a FC to see if I like it?
Sure. But you have to register with us first, so the facilitator knows whom to expect.
Can I quit a FC?
Yes, anytime you like. And no need to notify us. The facilitator will notify us if attendance drops so low that a new member would be welcomed.
Are there any costs or fees?
We don’t charge anything. Our services are supported by the non-profit International Foundation for Spiritual Unfoldment (, as part of its efforts to make the world a friendlier place. Some FC’s may however choose to collect funds for their own purposes, as for sending candy or flowers to everyone on their birthday.