Teaching an Online Introductory Meditation Course - PoU 4
You learn to teach, teaching. In this module you will use our platform to teach an Introductory course guided and monitored by one of our Senior Teachers.

Meditation course
Path of Unfoldment
The students will give the PoU 1 introductory course for which they have created a program during their training in PoU 3.
They prepare an online course with the contents of their programming and they give the course during 8 sessions monitored by their teacher that will assist as a co-teacher during the course. The Module includes private meetings of the teacher and the student a day before each session and a day after as a wrap up and fine tuning on how to proceed when teaching an Introductory Meditation Course.
When finished the student receives a mark 1 to 4 being 4 the highest and 1 the lowest. A student must obtain a mark higher than 1 to qualify as a Certified Meditation Teacher.
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Requirements: To register to this module you must complete first modules PoU 1, 2, 3 MT 1, and MTSP 1.
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