Spiritual Retreats
In this page you will get the info of the upcoming retreats, but to get a sense of them you can visit our last retreat that we did online due to COVID 19 restrictions
Meditation Retreats
Each year we hold an annual retreat of 5 to 7 days where attendees dedicate all their time to meditation practices, deepening in the practical philosophy that underlies these techniques.
There is also an international retreat every two years and is held alternatively in Europe and in the USA.
The students that want to be certified as a meditation teacher must attend to at least three retreats, two national retreats and an international retreat.
Our retreats are held in beautiful locations in places were we can easily create an atmosphere of peace and quietude, in which Life, Love and Laughter thrive and fills your heart with an unforgettable sense of joy of living.
You will experience the full range of thoughts and emotions during our meditation retreats. This is good in the sense that without suffering, you are dissolving the impressions instead of having to live out those experiences in practical daily life where they could become painful.
our work inspires smiles
Our Retreats
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